Research has show that Evolutionary Psychology has effected the human species as a whole, as well as each individual. For each individual evolution created consciousness, sensation/perception and motivation (including emotions).
Consciousness is usually the voluntary behavior of an individual, although many conscious actions have unconscious processes. One behavior of consciousness is self-awareness, such as seeing your reflection and knowing who it is. Other behaviors include knowing one's limitations, learning certain skills, and self-deception (useful during social situations).

Sensation and perception seemed to have evolved to provide guidance through numerous environments. Each of our senses help of maneuver through the world day by day. Sight is used to see the distance between things, and see what in front of us (obviously). Hearing helps determine things that can't be seen or that need attention (ex: a loud sound behind you) and for part of communicating with others. Taste and Smell determine chemicals and chemical changes in the environment that also help us know where to go (avoiding bad smells, eating things that taste good). The last sense, Touch, is numerous smaller senses that fit into the same category, and are used for close-contact environmental changes. Touch is used to decipher a broad list of sensations, from temperature change to pain.
Behaviors made possible through motivation. If humans had no motivation, then we would not have adapted any behaviors, most likely would not exist. Affective parts of motivation (positive and negative) are more commonly know as emotions. Humans have an extensive list of emotions that go beyond the five basics emotions of fear, sadness, happiness, anger, and disgust. These extra emotions (Spite, Shame, Pride, etc...) are allow humans to be such social creature and gain social standing as an individual. (Ex: pride motivates people to raise their social status.)
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